syukur alhamdulillah...dapat lagi satu BE...
Digi What's Hot Justin Bieber...
walaupun 2 minggu lepas dan minggu lepas jarang update, rezeki datang lagi...
semalam baru je nak merajuk dengan nuffnang sebab die da tarik 1 BE MAS MH BUDDY..
tapi nuffnang dah gantikan dengan adik bieber...oohhoooo..mekacih!!toceh!!! tocehhh!!!
adik bieber, tenkiu singgah blog akak ya..
macam mana cara nak menang:
How do I participate?
Step 1
Text JB to 2016 to purchase three (3) pre-determined CallerTunes™ by Justin Bieber at RM9.00 to stand a chance of winning!
Step 2
Follow the instructions in our text replies to send Justin Bieber CallerTunes™ to your friends and family.
Step 3
Users with the most CallerTunes™ sent to their friends and family will win.
HURRY! Competition ends 8 April 2011!
erm...lately rasa berat je nak blogging..
blogwalking pun da lama x wat..
setakat jenguk2 jiran2 kat bloglist 2 je...huhu
mari mencari mood berblog lagii..ganbatteee!!